

我来试着回答一下,B2/10年签证是否会被行政审查。 首先我们看一下美国移民法的条款,然后来讨论这些法条在现实中是怎么执行的。 美国移民法(Immigration and Nationality Act)由36部分组成,大部分是法律条文,小部分为解释性条文。

下面我主要引用的是解释性条文中有关非移民类签证的规定: 214(b) “The Attorney General may in his discretion admit to the United States for a temporary residence any immigrant who is found to be:….[n]ot materially injurious to the interest of the United States”; 以及 214(i)(1) "Any alien seeking entry or admission into theUnitedStaes shall be permitted entry unless...” (emphasis added)。


(214 b)“移民局有权根据其判断决定是否允许任何被申请入籍或被给予非移民身份的个人入境;如果移民局决定让其入境或取得非移民身份,则该个人必须满足以下所有条件……”

(214 i )“对于准备进入美国境内的所有人员,只要……的例外情况不存在的话,就应当允许其入境。”(emphases are mine)


事实上,除了上面两章之外,还有其他的章节也对“不产生实质性伤害”的定义做出了规定: §§101(f), which includes as an example of ‘material injury’ ‘injury within the meaning of section 1584;’, and §214(e); but these two sections really only apply if there has been an actual denial of visa application, not in cases where applicant was merely declined B-1/2 status upon their arrival at the border. Thus they do not affect our analysis.

§212(a)(3)(A) defines as grounds for exclusion aliens who have committed specific crimes, including murder. It also provides that “for the purposes of this paragraph: [certain specified types of offenses are deemed crimes under federal law regardless of whether such offenses were committed outside the U.S.]”, thus making them subject to exclusion even after one has entered the country illegally. However, it does not state anywhere how these laws should be applied in practice on a case by case basis, so no one can say with certainty what crimes will get you barred from entering the USA in the future. This seems like a good reason why I would NOT recommend anybody take up killing people as a hobby.

In short, while we cannot guarantee that certain actions will NEVER lead to an A


我去年申请的B2旅游签证,从申请到拿到护照只用了十天左右的时间(包括加急)。 没有进行任何审核、检查之类的程序,也没有被限制出入境。 但是今年准备再申请的时候,发现美国签证网站上的信息还是停留在去年的状态,也就是说我的护照号码还显示的是去年刚签完的签证号,而不是新的签证号,所以我觉得应该是在等大使馆通知我去面签吧....不知道是不是这样。 所以我现在想问问大家如果这种情况的话,会不会过一段时间就自动转成新的签证了呀,还是需要重新办呢? 我目前还在国外,所以不能回国内办签证。
