

当然有,而且很发达呢~ 以我所在的大学为例(某不知名985),我们国际经济研究院就有两个国际经济的博导啦!一个美国一个欧洲的~ 具体这两个老师的研究方向和联系方式我这里有,不过出于对别人隐私的保护我就不放出来了(毕竟是我老师)~ 但是我可以跟你说一下这两个老师都是大牛啊!!一个是著名经济学家,曾参与过WTO多哈回合的谈判,另外一位是欧盟问题的专家。这两位老师带出来的硕士、博士都是可以在CITI上查到简历的(Citigroup Center for Global Research) 所以你可以放心~ 我也刚刚结束了我的PHD课程的学习,虽然还没写完final paper也没答辩但是我已经拿到了毕业证和学位证啦!

接下来就是等待我的导师帮我推荐学校然后申请哦了~ 然后我就再补充一点关于读PHD的事情。首先你要准备一套完整的research proposal然后要找导师讨论然后再修改直到导师愿意接受你为止。然后就是选课,一般来说都是先选三门专业课然后把GPA弄上去(3.0+)这样可以提前修完学分提前毕业。 然后就是要定期看邮箱,有的时候老师会给你发邮件通知你是否通过考核或者下一步该做什么。



PhD in international economics is a degree that requires candidates to undertake rigorous studies of the theory and practice of international trade at master's level (MA or M.Sc) with high grades, 80%+ for most universities), and have passed all relevant exams before they can be awarded this PhD. This means it would take an MA candidate about three years to earn their PHD(theoretically)。

There are so many things happening on my side, we will see what happens! - but you know me, there are other issues like finding suitable topics/fields...etc, i am working on as well~ I wish everyone good luck~
