你好同学,GPA是本科四年(三年)所有课程的加权平均值。 有些学校会计算毕业设计的成绩在GPA的比重,这个要根据具体学校要求而定,可以在学校的官网找到答案! 比如哥大就有明确规定:“The GPA is calculated on all undergraduate level courses that are considered for graduation. In other words, the course work done at the graduate level, which would not be included in a prospective master's degree candidate's GPA calculation will count toward the computation of the bachelor’s degree GPA” 哥大的本科学生申请硕士的时候,硕士项目也会看本科阶段的GPA,而本科阶段的成绩就是由本科4年的课程成绩共同决定的。 但是也有不计算毕业设计的,比如说南加大就有规定:“The USC GPA is based on grades received from undergrad coursework only and does not include any pass/fail or incompletion grades” 也就是说南加的GPA计算方法只计算本科期间的成绩,不包含毕业设计(研究生课程除外),所以毕业设计其实是不计入GPA的。