

这个很难说啊,我去年12月申请的B1/B2去美国看男友,结果面签的时候被当场拒签了。。。 我是通过朋友介绍的北京一家叫安安送寄的国际快递代理公司帮我办理的签证和邮寄行李,他们给我提供了详细的材料清单、注意事项,以及填写DS表的详细帮助,还免费帮我把所有资料翻译了。我男朋友的申请材料他们是收服务费200块的。我的没收费。 我面签是找的中英文翻译一起去的。我面试的过程如下 我:您好! 签证官(V):你好!(用中文跟我说的) 我:(用英语回话)hello V. Good morning! (然后我用中文解释了一下,我说我平时都是这么跟外国人打招呼的。) V: Why do you want to go?(为什么你要去呢?) 我:I will visit my boyfriend there and we'll make a trip around the country with him ,also i'd like to stay for about ten days or so,because it has been three years since our last meeting when I visited America from China with my parents last time. So now I can see my boyfriend very happily because he is working in Los Angeles after graduated from university. And i hope this may be an opportunity that i could take a plane by myself first time alone ,i’m sure going on business trips would benefit me more than before, also I believe I am able to pass your strict examination as following reasons:

Firstly, although I have no much experience of travelling abroad ,but some friends who live in other countries invited me to their country which are Japan,Australia Germany and so on several times already;Secondly,my English level is CET6, also I get the certificate of TOEFL92; Thirdly ,the purpose of my going to American is not only sightseeing but making friend too and finally I've passed four months training course at international company in Beijing,so I think I might know well how work in overseas,which maybe beneficial to improve my ability of communication especially when talking with foreigners. Also ,if possible, please let me keep contact phone number with US Consulate In China, cause if need any help , they must provide instant support to us Chinese citizens, right?

V: Ok...And what kind of International Company You Work For? Can you show us the invitation letter for your travel plan and tour schedule here? 我把安安送的行程单和其他证件都给他看了一遍之后,他问我:do you have enough money while being there? 我说我男朋友会在洛杉矶接应我,他会支付所有的费用,但是我担心的是我身上如果带太多钱会不会有怀疑。因为我听说有的游客在美国被抓到是在逃税或者洗钱。所以我就随便说了一个数。 V还是问了好多问题,比如我在那里住的房间是他自己安排的还是我男友安排的之类的问题。最后他又问了我一个比较刁钻的问题,


对于题主的问题没有具体的信息不好直接给与答复;其次,从我的经验来看的话一般只要不是被特别怀疑的签证申请人,基本上第一次申请都是很容易通过的(排除有移民倾向等嫌疑的情况下) 比如我去年帮一位学生办F1的学生签证时,学生是刚从高三暑假结束的暑假出来留学申请的,当时因为学校已经联系好了,所以材料准备的比较齐全,而且也做好了面试准备,在面签的时候面试官也是很友善的和考生聊了聊,问了问为什么选择这所学校还有对专业的理解等问题后,就通过了;而另一位同学的妹妹则是在大四下学期要毕业了,同样在学校安排了就业实习,但因为是最后一个学期且是毕业前的最后一周提交的申请材料,所以在面试时面试官就有些不太高兴,认为她可能是不太想去的,不过最后还是通过;
