

如果题主说的“工作”是指合法的工作,那么不工作显然是不可以的。 如果题主说的是非正式、非法的工作(比如说黑工), 那么要看你的移民签证的类型。 一般来说, 如果你是非移民签证持有者, 不工作也是违法的; 如果你是移民签证的持有人, 那么通常来讲只要你不从事与当初申请时所申请职位不一样的工作就可以。 但是由于美国移民政策的不断变化, 各个移民局对于不同类型的移民签证的规定也会有所不同, 所以题主最好向自己的移民律师咨询清楚。

根据美国的法律规定, 每一个获得合法居留权的移民都有权利和自由选择是否就业, 但前提是不能从事一些特殊的行业或者特定的工作岗位,其中包括以下这些职业:

1. 政治活动相关人士;

2. 全职宗教工作者;

3. 全薪家庭主妇或全职家庭男主人(suspended status);

4. 全薪士兵/军人及海军陆战队员(Serving Status);

5. 在政府机构内工作的官员(Civil Service Employees, i.e. federal, state and local government employees);

6. 被政府资助的公司雇佣的人员 (Employees of Government-Funded Entities such as NASA, National Institutes of Health or the Smithsonian Institution.)

7. 被联邦法院强制禁入美国国境的人;

8. 由美国政府遣返出境或被驱逐出境人等


以下是移民局公布的1099雇员会被视为“特殊雇主” 的列表。 这张表主要是用来界定哪些人会被视作是"employer under IMCSA" 而受到该法案的约束:

1 任何为联邦政府工作的人 Federal employees include: all civilian employees, including those in the Department of Defense, working for a federal agency , whether on a full time or part time basis regardless of pay level ; members of Congress, the U.S. Senate, House, Supreme Court, Cabinet Members, other presidential aides, and White House staff

2 为任何州政府工作的人 State employees include:All state agencies and departments , including state universities , school systems, public libraries, correctional facilities等等; judges, including state court judges

3 被政府资助公司雇用的人 Workers employed by organizations that receive federal funds will be considered employers under section 101(a)(16) of IMA if they employ at least one employee who is an LPR, and thus subject to the employer sanctions provisions of ICE’s Interim Memorandum of April 1, 2011 regarding Section 287(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The list provided below does not contain every organization that receives federal funds. It only includes examples from categories deemed "common carriers and public utilities," “health care providers,”and “legal services providers.”

Common Carriers & Public Utilities Organizations Common Carriers: Airline, rail, trucking companies, shipping lines, bus companies, telephone companies Public Utilities: Companies that provide water, gas, electricity, etc. For more information see CIS’ Interagency Memorandum on Definition of Employer Under Section 287(G)


不可以 题主是申请澳洲移民吧,你这种情况是不可以的。 因为澳大利亚是一个移民国家,并且是以技术移民为主的国家。因此它更希望把机会给那些有技能的人才;而对那些没技能的人则不欢迎。所以想要获得澳洲永久居留权(绿卡)就必须要有在特定职业或领域工作的能力。 而题主的情况既没有工作经验又没有专业技能,那么就肯定拿不到绿卡了(除非你是高精尖人才)……
