

2017年8月1日北京签的 非拒之例 D类签证,俗称商务/旅行签证。 背景说明:

我老公是美国人,在澳洲留学的时候认识的,毕业后移民到澳洲定居了。我是北京的,他来澳洲后我们也在一起生活了一段时间。后来考虑到以后要在北京发展就决定回国工作,等在北京稳定下来后再去澳洲团聚,所以这次去签证的目的就是旅游,然后入境后申请679配偶签证。 在2014年的时候我们曾经去美国旅游过一次,那次签证是通过DIY的方法拿到的,因为老公是美国公民,所以材料准备的比较容易。

这一次签证准备期间也参考了当年的材料还有知乎上的经验贴,但是都因为各种情况没有用得上…(摊手) 因为是面签需要跟签证官有比较多的交流,所以下面是我与签证官的整个对话过程—— (以下均为本人翻译)

V: Welcome to America! Which city will you be visiting while in the United States? A: I'll be going to New York and Los Angeles. V: Where are you from in China? A: I was born in Beijing but raised in Tianjin, so that is where my family lives now. And also when I lived there with friends, which meant most of high school actually. But after we graduated all our parents moved us back to Beijing for university. Nowadays a lot of what happens is online or over Skype so it doesn't really matter if we live together or not, just as long as he's here right? V: So both of your families live in Beijing then? A: Yes they do. My mother works at an import/export company called Xinghua Import-Export Company, Ltd. Her job is mainly office work and sales; she used to travel overseas quite often but now has less time since having children. She speaks English fluently enough to talk about business although mostly Chinese people speak Mandarin and she knows some Japanese as well. When traveling through airports or something like that she gets by okay without needing translation services though sometimes needs assistance because the staff don’t know how to say their name in English either! V: Do you have any siblings? Are you married currently? A: No and no, unfortunately [laughs] My father runs his own factory making machinery parts and accessories out of stainless steel and aluminum. He does export business too however primarily deals directly with customers rather than through brokers. We went to middle school together, but apart until grade three before going on to separate schools due to different classes. Then high school again together.We were best friends during those years. It wasn't until graduating college did he



我的回答是有但是是在2年前且一次就离开了并没有再去别的国家 !

他看了看我之前的欧洲签证,跟我说可以给我发批准信 但是让我必须去机场海关那边走下程序,我去问了一下海关那边的人说这个不需要!后来还是顺利拿到了6个月的B类商务签证! 现在已经拿到绿卡了!
