

1. 您指的是新西兰学生签证吗? 在新西兰读书的话,学校会负责安排续签手续并且出具信给移民局确认您的学习情况以便移民局批准续签申请。 如果学校不负责,可以咨询学校相关移民律师或移民顾问。 新西兰移民局官方网站上有详细的续签信息可供参考:URL 2. 您指的应该是工作签证吧? Work visa is often called a “Skilled Migrant Visa” if you are already in New Zealand and want to stay here on your own terms for work purposes, there’s no need to apply through an immigration agent – just complete this online SkillMigration Assessment Form with your details then make sure that the jobs advertised by employers meet the Immigration criteria before applying. Please note: You cannot apply for a skilled migrant visa while in deportation or removal proceedings, you must wait until these have been resolved before starting your application. This means waiting at least six months between receiving notice from INZ of a decision against your last visa request, and submitting information as part of your current skilled migration (or partner / family) application. For more detailed advice please follow this link: URL If you haven`t yet submitted a previous NZ visa application but you received a negative decision letter from Inland Revenue, you should also contact IRD about any outstanding debt before continuing with an application for another visa as they may consider it a ‘bar to re-entry into New Zealand'.

3. 请楼主将中文翻译成英文再提问好吗?谢谢合作!

4. 你说的新工作必须是新西兰所需求的工作,这可以从移民局网站查看 还有你必须在申请前找到雇主并得到雇主的担保才可申请

5. 有工作签证在身者可以申请家属赴新陪读(父母),申请过程同申请人一样,只要材料准备齐全也很快就可以拿到签证了.

6. 学生签证是学生来新后第一个要办理的事.如果是在校生可让学校帮忙办,因为学校有移民法律顾问可以帮助.一般只需提供学生的护照和学生准证(student visa)复印件及学校的信就可办理了

7. 若你是以打工度假名义过来,则不可以申请学生签证. 但如果你有意在这边求学,则可在此逗留半年后申请学生类签证.

8. 其实你的身份就是旅游签, 所以你要续签必须回中国向中国驻外大使馆申请, 旅游签证续签相对容易些 因为它只须提交一张相片和申请表就可以了 通常两个星期内就可拿回签证

9. 关于学费和生活费可以在移民局网站上查到 根据你来新的方式和目的而有所区别 一般来说,工签比学签费用低不少,但时间较短。 你可以通过以下网址了解更多信息: www.immigration.govt.nz/forms/index.html


题主是学生,在申请工签还是学生签证的时候记得勾选“无犯罪记录”的选项(有犯罪记录的申请人会被移民局拒绝) 另外要提醒的就是,一定要提前三个月办理好续签手续。因为移民局会先通过信件的形式通知你是否能顺利拿到居留身份,如果你收到信的时间距离离境还有时间的话是可以不用回国的!但如果你没有收信呢?就要乖乖地回国重新办理续签了哦~

