

1. 祝你在异国他乡,学有所成!(You are going to excel in your studies abroad.)

2. 祝你早日适应那边的学习和生活。(I wish you can adjust yourself onto the new life as soon as possible.)

3. 不管在异国的旅途多么艰难,我想知道你是如何保持乐观的态度的?(In spite of all the hardships you might encounter in the process of studying overseas, I am interested in knowing how you maintain an optimistic attitude towards life.)

4. 我们很想你,希望你经常与我们分享你的进步与成长。(We miss you very much and would like to hear about your progress and growth from time to time.)

5. 你离开故土,到遥远的地方去寻找真理,我们很自豪你能实现自己的梦想。但我们也很担心你一个人在外面的日子,所以,记得常给我们打电话报平安啊!(You leave home to seek truth far away, we are proud that you realize your dream. But we also worry about you being alone, so please be safe and give us a call once in a while!)

6. 虽然相隔万里,但我们永远支持你,愿你一切安好!(Although thousands of miles apart, we will always support you and hope you have a great future ahead of you!)
