

题主已经拿到F1签证,那就不需要担心入境的问题啦! 不过还是再提醒下,在去机场之前记得检查好所有材料,包括护照、I20、SEVIS费收据等,以防万一。 还有不要带太多现金和贵重物品,这样会给自己带来不必要的麻烦哦~ 最后呢祝题主开学顺利呀~

接下来进入正题,来谈谈在美国海关被问到的可能问题和答案吧(注意这些问题只是可能被问到,不是一定会被问到)! 我们先来看看官方给出的F1学生可能被问及的问题列表: 在这个基础上我再来补充一些,希望对各位有帮助哈!

Q. Why are you going to America? A. I got an offer from this university and the program is very suitable for me, so that’s why am here now! Q. What's your major? A. My major is ….(可以稍微展开讲讲自己的专业)

Q. How long will you stay in USA? The purpose of your visit is? A. It depends on my school schedule, but generally two years or more… And it’s a study visa, my main purpose is to further education!

Q. Do you have any family/friends over there? Who invited you? (This question is common, especially if they suspect that you don't plan to go back after graduation!) A. Yeah, my friends do. But we just stayed together as roommates last year during the orientation, not that close with each other! So their invitation doesn’t make sense at all... Anyway, no one has really asked them about it before, so just leave it alone ok? Thanks!

Q. Did you know anyone who works in this company? Is it related to your study? A. No way! This job isn't even remotely connected to what I majored in, how could I possibly find someone working here? Besides,it took us months to get our student visa, wouldn’t be easy to change to work visa once I start studying。。。

Q. Any plans for traveling outside US? Are you willing to open up your bank account? A. Yes! Definitely want to travel out of country and see new places! As for opening an account, probably won’t, since most online payments can be made using PayPal these days; besides American banks tend to charge extra fees too much for international payments == That being said, though money matters aren't discussed, some people might ask this because they think your financial resources are not sufficient enough! For example: You didn't tell her where you get the money from?

So basically try to avoid telling everything you earned while staying abroad except


题主,我是2015年8月去签的f1,当时在青岛。 我的情况是这样的, 在北京,先在北京签了b类旅游签证(6个月的),在美国那边申请转学生签证的时候,给了一个小纸片给我说要去面见移民局的人把那个小纸片交上去就可以了。我当时就按照他给我的地址和电话去了,因为是在北京的所以是移民局的面试。我在那里等了3个多小时才见到人,面试官问了我几个问题后就让我通过了,没有要我的护照也没有收走小纸片。 我当时也怕了,觉得会不会有什么风险,于是我又回到大使馆要求重新审核我的材料因为我之前递过的两次材料都收到了。最后大使馆以我第一次的材料为准发了新的i20给我学校。 所以我觉得f1是可以入境的!
