是旅游签 ,10年有效期的单次入境停留6个月的,可以续签两次;到期了还可以延期一次(费用很低) 在泰国有工作证或者留学证明的人就可以申请多次往返签证有效期2+5年的那种哦! C=tourist(游客) D=business (商务客人) E=investor(投资者) F=visitor-research (访问学者) G=pilot/aircraft/aviation (飞行机组人员) H=medical visit(医疗访问者) I=official visitor(官方访问人) J=press and media(新闻和媒体工作者) K=diplomat(外交官) L=student(学生) M=religious(宗教人士) N=pensioner(退休人士) P=worker in Thailand’s border areas(在泰国边境地区工作的工人) Q=athlete or sportsperson participating in athletic competition on the territory of Thailand.(参加泰国境内体育竞赛的运动员或体育相关从业者) R=volunteers working for charitable organization who are not remunerated.(为慈善团体志愿工作的人员且无报酬) T=researchers under contract with an academic institution and other persons eligible to enter into research agreements under regulations set by The Council of Higher Education.(与学术机构签约进行研究的人员以及其他符合高等教育委员会规定的准入协议的人员) X=foreign nationals coming as tourists but need a visa because they have been refused entry at their last port of call in another country due to their criminal records