B2是美签类型,属于非移民类别的短期访问签证(90天以内). 和F1签证不同的是,此类型的申请人不需要具备美国学校录取通知书或者在美国有合法身份并且是学生或者是研究人员才可以申请这类的签证。 一般来美国的目的是进行旅游和商务考察的人可以申请这个类别。 申请条件 B-2 visa for tourism and business travel is available to most foreign citizens who are not residents of countries on the U.S. government's list of state sponsors of terrorism or countries with high rates of unlawful entry into the United States by immigrants, illegal aliens. In order to be eligible you will need a passport that has at least six months remaining until expiration date and must have one unexpired (or expired but renewed) American Visa stamp in your record. 有任何疑问可以在评论里留言哦~会一一回复哒!