

英国政府在2019年3月1日公布了Tiers 2和5的新法规,其中Tier 2作为移民法的核心部分被重新修改并制定新的法规(具体请参考官方链接): - Tier 2 General Visa: This route is for those wanting to work in the UK on a skilled job. The sponsor needs a valid Tier 4 sponsorship licence and the workers must meet the requirements of the Home Office (i.e. have no immigration offences, can speak English at least Level B1) etc… There are three main routes under this visa:

1. Endorsed Job Offer Route — Applicants need an endorsement from the Home Office or an approved Sponsoring Body such as CBI, INAS或UCAB等 before applying;

2. High Value Job Route — Employers who earn over £10 million per year require endorsed jobs offer which requires a minimum salary level of £73,600 GBP/year(for senior manager roles / executive positions) OR £30,045 GBP/year (other senior roles);

3. Graduate Route – Students graduating with a Bachelor Degree or above will be able to stay up to two years in the UK after graduation if they can find a job (the minimum wage requirement does not apply here).

- Tier 2 Shortage Occupation Visa :This type of work permit applies when there isn’t enough suitably qualified people available that meets specific skill shortage requirements, especially in certain sectors such as nursing, engineering……etc...

The list is long but you can see it more details on the website mentioned earlier. As far as I know, these visas could last up to five years, although their validity period varies according to different circumstances including occupation type or whether it's a job offered by the government itself or not. It should also be noted that employers sponsoring workers via Tier 2 may now face fines of between £30,000 and £10,000 GBP depending upon what type of visa was issued to employees using them; furthermore they would probably lose their Tier 2 Sponsor Licence so effectively they cannot employ any non-European worker through sponsored migration routes unless getting another license first!

For Tier 5 routes, we can categorize into: Youth Mobility Scheme; Temporary Worker: Creative and Sporting;International Agreement Workers;Charity Worker;Go Abroad Worker; Religious Worker 和 T


楼主好啊,我是今年刚来新加坡工作的,现在在找工作呢,不过已经签了SP了,但是还是有些担心因为毕竟不是特别熟悉这里的情况的,所以在这里先问问大家我的情况会不会有问题呀 (希望大家都来帮帮我) 我在新加坡的工作是跟以前一样的是做销售的,只不过公司是新开的,而且我现在的职位也是主管哦!工资和之前也一样高,只是要加班多一些。

我现在就是很担心的就是我以前的那个老板他是不是会来找我麻烦因为我以前没有跟他签劳工合同他就以为我还欠他的钱,而且还给我打了电话问我现在在哪里上班之类的。其实我已经辞职很久了他都不知道,因为他是我前公司的老板并不是现在的新公司的老板哈。。。 还有就是在准备办理LTA的时候我又去问了一下中介他们说我办这个LTA的话要找原来那边的老板签字还要交150的手续费然后我就又跟他们商量了一下午最终结果是不用原来的老板签字只要拿新的SP就行了也不用收任何手续费用,这样是最好的结果啦 所以我想知道有没有跟我一样的这种情况的人你们是怎么解决的呀 最后祝各位好运吧~
