

美国面签的时候,签证官一般都会问些什么问题呢? 这个问题看似很简单,但确实难倒了不少人!下面我就给大家介绍一下美利坚大学国际学生中心(IC)的资深导师们总结出来的美国签证面试攻略吧!



1. Tell me about yourself? 请问你自己好吗? What do you think of your school/university? 你觉得你的学校/大学怎么样? Why did you choose this university/school? 为什么你选择这所学校? What are the reasons why you want to go to that country? 你为何想去那个国家? What made you apply for a student visa? You can't be in the US on another kind of visa, such as tourism? 为什么要申请学生的签证呢?你不能在美国做旅游签吗? Have you ever applied for any other type of visa before? 你以前有没有申请过其他类型签证? Are you sure it is what you really want? Did you consider other countries instead? 那你确定这就是你想要的么?你有没有考虑过其他的国家?

2. When and where were you born? Where have you lived most of your life? 你什么时候出生的?你住的地方在哪里? Which city or village / place has the best atmosphere? Do you miss home, how often do you speak with family members back home? 哪个城市或者村庄让你印象最深刻?你会想家吗?你和家人多久说一次话? Which one is more important——homely feeling or new environment? How does your family feel about your coming to study in America? 你喜欢家乡还是喜欢新的环境?家人对于你去美国读书有什么看法? How did they know about my application? Is there anyone who gave financial support? 他们怎么知道我的申请的?有人给我经济上的支持么? Who is supporting your studies in USA? Your parents will pay tuition fee but not living expense, right? So we need to check if both sides are willing to accept the responsibility of your studying abroad? 谁在经济上支持你呢?是你爸妈支付了学费但没有支付生活费是吧?那我们需要确认好双方是否愿意承担你在国外学习的责任? Does your father work full time while your mother stays at home? Or he works part-time while she takes care of housework and children? 你是全职工作还是兼职工作呢?

3. Please tell us something about your hometown? Can you please describe its geographical situation, history, traditions, etc? 请给我们说说你的老家的情况可以么?你能描述下它的地理位置、历史传统和风俗习惯什么的嘛? What’s the biggest difference between your hometown and our country? 在你们的国家最大的区别是什么? What kinds of traditional festivals do people celebrate in your area? 有哪些传统的节日? Which food do you like better—the local style or what I am eating now? 我现在吃的这个口味和你老家的味道哪种更好吃呢? What do you usually do on weekends


我申请的是M1和T1,分别面签2次。M1面签问了为什么要去美国学习(为什么选择我们学校)、在美国的学习计划是什么(有没有想好在哪里工作),然后问我有没有移民倾向;T1是问了一些关于签证的事情以及是否要读语言课程(因为我是从研究生过来的,之前没有读过语言课) 最后都通过了!

PS. 关于签证准备的话可以参看一下之前的文章 祝题主好运哦~
